Friday, September 13, 2013

We are here!

We made it to Amsterdam- our luggage did not! Hopefully it shows up tomorrow. 

We've only been here for half a day but we are so happy already. It's a dark, drizzly day in Amsterdam.  We keep commenting to each other how beautiful it is here and how amazing the weather is. Here are some highlights of our day/night/whatever it is. 

On the airplane. With three connecting flights we only had to run to catch one of them, not too bad! 

Cheese fries have met their match for me, these are French fries with lamb, sauces, and veggies on them :) 

This is our view from our bed. We had the chance to chat with our hosts for a little while tonight. They are lovely people! 

Well it's 8pm here and Andrew is already asleep because we've been awake for the last 30 hours...I think I'll join him! 

Please keep us in your prayers as we attempt to connect with our luggage tomorrow.